Diario de Egull1, 29 dic. 18

Maintenance Calorie Trajectory ---> Week 15 ---> What are this girl's minimums?

I decided to post the caloric trajectory a little early since the calories will be the exact same as last week, just allotted differently. For those that continue to follow the data, Monday is 2448 because, I pulled out 500 cals from last week's allotment so I might have some to put towards dinner on New Year's Eve. So, this girl has extra cals to spare.

It's funny, I spend calories much the way I spend money. I try to make sure I have something in savings. And, if something special like travel is on the horizon, I'll bank as much as is "reasonable" so I have what I need when vacation time arrives. I've always done things this way. It's funny to see how I do it subconsciously with calories, LOL.

This will be the 4th week at these cals. I weigh in tomorrow and Monday. However - I'm not trusting any new low this weekend. Wow, I've never written that before. lol. Obviously, if I peeled off 500 cals from last week, we "might" see a minor drop. However, those cals are going to be ingested so no "new low" this weekend is true. Now, if I were to see that new low in the next 3 weeks? I'll consider increasing the cals.

To that end, I have also adjusted my target cals and chart to reflect maintenance calories for 138 lbs. and the goal is to maintain between 138-145. Ranges are essential because this body easily fluctuates by 7 lbs in 5 day period due to waste and water. And, I like this range. It suits me. The cals are satisfactory and there are no complaints about a size 8/10's. As my coach says, "There's the attainable weight and the sustainable weight." When practicing weight maintenance, it is the sustainable weight we want to look at - as this is the one that cultivates habits we can realistically stick too. And, who knows this can all change. As a practicing Buddhist, I am tasked to be mindful of the impermanence in all things, and in the same moment, remember that in all things there is a balance.

It's also at this point where I've really wanted to cover my minimums. I want to get it written down and not just floating around in this head. Especially, with my short term memory. The first time I came across the concept of minimums was listening to one of the podcasts by my health and weight loss coach, Heather.

It's pretty much based on the "when sh$t hits the fan" premise. As we all know, life is often what happens when we're making other plans. Life is going to throw everything at us but the kitchen sink sometimes...And, then just when you thought all was clear, it throws the kitchen sink! LOL.

As Heather explains it, minimums are the very least one can do to keep their head in the game and a pinky toe in the water when things get messy. It's the bare bones minimum of what goals we can meet, so that we don't have to constantly feel demoralized because we "got off track" or constantly have to say, "I need to get back on track".

For folks who are still on a "weight loss journey" it can be as simple as
1. Drink lots of water
2. Eat at maintenance cals
3. Get in 10 minutes of exercise (i.e. walking) per day

But, really a minimum can be what ever a person needs. What is most essential is that it's DOABLE. It's simply there to keep a space ready in the back of the brain for that moment when things find a new normal and one can expand on their healthy habits again, rather than just jump ship and go on to another fat shaming rampage that doesn't get anyone anywhere.

Minimums are a way to offer oneself grace when they are indeed under fire.

This girl's minimums follow suit with a few back up plans to boot. With MS, the impermanence of life situations can become very highlighted. Some of the following I've already done

1. When I am sick - If it's above the neck -
- I can still exercise, but if need be I can lessen the intensity.
- I will eat at maintenance cals and continue to track all food intake in MFP.

2. If I am sick below the neck (i.e. stomach flu).
- No exercise for at least five days or until I am able to reach the 9,000 step goal.
- And, I will resort to BMR calories 1224 until bed rest ends.

3. If I end up in the hospital with an MS flare up and mobility is impacted
- Revert to BMR cals 1224
- Request physical therapist ASAP
- When activity commences - monitor cal expenditure via fit bit to get a rough estimation of TDEE cals before increasing food intake
- Revamp activity program and cal intake as needed to accommodate the approximate TDEE at the time

4. For all other life circumstances that might impact the regular schedule of current health and lifestyle practices, at the very least I will:
- Get in 15-30 minutes of exercise 3X/week (this can include strength training, weights, cardio/walking, and/or yoga)
- Continue at maintenance cals, however if this is not possible - track all food, regardless
- Keep accountable to the community at least 3X/week and check in to discuss how things are going.

Many of these I've implemented at one point or another. However, minimums are a big discussion in the Half Size Me Community right now. Especially with the holidays in tow and so many people being afraid of falling off the rails. I just want to get mine documented and written down so I have a reference. I actually use these journal entries quite a bit as I've been at this for 22 months. When life throws the kitchen sink at me, it will be nice to have this handy so I can say, "Ah, time for plan B".

Anyhow, if anyone managed to read this far. Have a blessed, safe, and wonderful New Year!

p.s. what I like most about a minimum is the little act of doing it reminds this girl, regardless of how crazy life gets, there is always a moment one can take to practice "self care" and in fact, these simple acts can help make difficult situations feel less challenging when we take a few moments to care for ourselves before we try to take on life's hurdles.

11 Seguidores    Apoyo   

We have arrived at the same place via different roads. I haven't used the term 'minimums' but instead I say "at the very least, I will..." and "to not lose the habit, I will follow my routine as closely as possible..." So I hang onto the things I can DO such as exercise, drink water since when life sends curve balls I find it harder to do things that are DON'Ts such as don't eat certain foods, portions, etc. So on the food front I often feel that I am fighting a 'rearguard action' as I do things like make sure I am eating nutritious 'real' food and not chips, pastry, licorice, which are essentially what my husband keeps nearby. When it is predictable that a curve is on the horizon, I try to deliberately choose a plan of attack ahead of time so it doesn't throw me as much as it could. When it is unpredictable I try to hang onto the skills and strategies that have worked but this is less successful as it is easy to just react in the moment. I appreciate your thoughtful words as it either gives me an 'aha' or confirms what I know to be true. 
29 dic. 18 por el miembro: 59Carol
Thank you, Carol! The biggest struggle I had with the minimums was when I was on vacation. The goal was to stick to the allotment of maintenance cals I gave myself for my weight at the time. However, it became quite clear on the second day, this was anything but realistic. The tough part was tracking it. There was this part of my brain that did not want to face the reality I was going over the allotted cals. I still tracked everything, but it was tough. I found myself feeling frustrated and defensive. In the end, it was a good thing I tracked because it allowed me to see on average what my cal intake is when I'm on vacation. I have used that number many times now to plan for future events and to ensure there's a good allotment so I don't go over or if I do, it isn't by that much. So much of it is what is going on in the mind. I confess, part of what helped me to hit goal was trying to ensure my actions did NOT reflect my thoughts, LOL.  
30 dic. 18 por el miembro: Egull1
You are funny! I hate tracking when I am going off the rails. I hate that I am not following through on my plans. I often have to spend time talking myself down and breathing through my frustration of not being able to control myself and the world around me in that moment. I have had many long talks with myself first thing in the morning before getting up telling myself what 'good enough' is going to look like that day. I am a creature of habit and I have many supportive habits in place but many do not transfer when away from home. I have to be creative to transfer most of them and to think how the same habit might look like in the new context. Often I just have to do 'good enough' so I don't drive myself or the people around me crazy. Couple this with the inability to go without food. What I mean is that if I allow myself to become too hungry I get light headed, thinking becomes hard to do and fainting is likely. When I enter this stage i will eat ANYTHING in my desperation. The trick is to never get that hungry however during vacation it is hard to control when we are stopping to eat. My husband is a person who eats erratically but after 41 years of marriage knows when I say I need food NOW I am not being capricious. So I get it when the brain and the actions aren't in sync we have to force automatic pilot to happen to get us through. 
30 dic. 18 por el miembro: 59Carol
Looks good! The key for me is tracking my food and my weight. I must look at *my* numbers. Also, my numbers can change as my body changes. I could eat more calories and carbs when I was younger, but, I can eat more calories and carbs now that I have more muscle. However, I *wish* I could take in 1600 calories and call it 'maintenance' :) I am sure at one time that was true for me, but, those days have passed Haha 
30 dic. 18 por el miembro: adefwebserver
Dialed in. You've got a great set of tools for your maintenance and you understand TDEE and BMR so the kitchen sink doesn't stand a chance. 
31 dic. 18 por el miembro: Terrapin12


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