Diario de ヤママユガ, 03 ago. 20

Ver Calendario de Dieta, 03 agosto 2020:
2778 kcal Grasa: 75,87g | Prot: 137,94g | Carbh: 390,33g.   Desayuno: ウィルキンソン 炭酸水, ミックスナッツ, ゆで卵. Almuerzo: いなば食品 ライトツナスーパーノンオイル, ウィルキンソン 炭酸水, 関西スーパー キャベツ千切り, テーブルマーク ふっくらつや炊き, ゆで卵, マルコメ 料亭の味 わかめ, プチトマト. Cena: カネテツデリカフーズ ほぼカニ, サーモン, おかめ納豆 すごい納豆 S-903納豆菌, いなば食品 ライトツナスーパーノンオイル, ウィルキンソン 炭酸水, 関西スーパー キャベツ千切り, テーブルマーク 国産こしひかり たきたてご飯, ゆで卵. Pasa Bocas / Otros: はちみつ, ウィルキンソン 炭酸水, ゆで卵, テーブルマーク 国産こしひかり たきたてご飯, 関西スーパー 塩あじえだまめ. más...

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03 ago. 20 por el miembro: Linedrive841
Linedrive841さん> It was delicious✨ ▽°|b✨ ¬=|oO(imitation crab seems to be good for muscle, so I will continue eating 
03 ago. 20 por el miembro: ヤママユガ
Ah really, I must get me some grab then! 😁 
06 ago. 20 por el miembro: Linedrive841
Linedrive841さん> I think crab itself is a good ingredient because it has high protein and low fat. However, "Alaska pollack" is said to be effective for increasing muscle. If you can eat unprocessed Alaska pollack, it's ideal. But I'm not sure if it works for me or your muscles. ¬=|oO(I hope that the muscle training effect will improve even a little. 
06 ago. 20 por el miembro: ヤママユガ
Oh that’s interesting! I have actually never heard of Alaska Pollock, but it sounds to be a beneficial thing to add to ones diet! I mean, sense you are eating plenty of protein, and doing strength training you are gonna see some results...can’t go wrong with doing it right 😁😊👍🏼 
07 ago. 20 por el miembro: Linedrive841
Linedrive841さん> This is the website I saw. https://www.nissui.co.jp/english/corporate/rd/research/health/protein.html Now I am trying to change my body by incorporating nutrients from various foods.✨ ▽°|b✨ I've gained enough weight so I just need to keep it. I'm eating "high protein, high carbohydrate, medium fat" now. We are looking forward to seeing how much we can change with the weight loss from September. |ノシ°▽°|ノシ 
07 ago. 20 por el miembro: ヤママユガ
I’m gonna check that out thanks! Oh so you are at maintenance now? Good for you for getting a good variety in your diet! I have to say I slack when it comes to that 😅 Yes September is a whole new month and another chance to continue seeing that progress💪🏼😎 
09 ago. 20 por el miembro: Linedrive841
Linedrive841さん> No, we are not currently in a maintenance period. The cause is lack of sleep time. Since I slept a lot, my sleep deprivation was resolved.✨ ▽°|b✨ 『not push onesel』 I keep this in mind by dieting and muscle training. |ノシ°▽°|ノシ 
09 ago. 20 por el miembro: ヤママユガ
Yes! Very true very true!😁😴🦾 
10 ago. 20 por el miembro: Linedrive841
Linedrive841さん> 壁 |-°|チラッ 壁 |-°|b✨ 壁 |ノシ サッ 
10 ago. 20 por el miembro: ヤママユガ


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