Miembro desde julio 2021
Historial de Peso

Peso Inicial
70,8 kg
Disminuído hasta ahora: 12,4 kg

Peso Actual
58,3 kg
Desempeño: Perdiendo 2,5 kg a la Semana

Peso meta
59,4 kg
Aún para ir: 1,1 kg
I am amazing and filled with thanks. Despite hardships, I have much. My world. rumbled in 2020 when my mother died suddenly from glioblastoma -- a fatal form of brain cancer. In my grief, I gained 20 pounds and struggled with Depression (I still do). However, I have my son, my husband, and me. Now that I am over 50, I realize I need to manage my muscle better, so I am upping my protein intake, reducing sugar, increasing resistance and weights in my cardio and reducing calories. This is a slow and steady endeavor, It's about a life change not my typical dive bomb approach. Taking care of me for the sake of all who love me and for my happiness too.

Peso Histórico de jenniferdonahue


Ú‎ltimo pesaje: Ganando 0,3 kg a la Semana Up

Ejercicios recientes de jenniferdonahue

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