Diario de ヤママユガ, 06 mar. 21











62,2 kg Disminuído hasta ahora: 7,8 kg.    Aún para ir: 5,2 kg.    Dieta seguida: Bien.

Ver Calendario de Dieta, 06 marzo 2021:
2318 kcal Grasa: 111,05g | Prot: 175,46g | Carbh: 161,56g.   Desayuno: ウィルキンソン 炭酸水, ミックスナッツ, ゆで卵. Almuerzo: セブンイレブン 味付き半熟ゆでたまご, 花王 ヘルシア緑茶, セブンイレブン カニカマバー, セブンイレブン 2/1分の緑黄色野菜 鶏のトマト煮, セブンイレブン 蒸し鶏と香味ねぎの バンバンジーサラダ, セブンイレブン 6種具材のお豆腐とひじきの煮物, セブンイレブン イベリコ豚と水菜の はりはり鍋. Cena: 関西スーパー 梅ゆかり バーリーマックス(スーパー大麦)使用, おかめ納豆 すごい納豆 S-903納豆菌, プチトマト, 関西スーパー 塩あじえだまめ, ゆで卵, サーモンの刺身, ウィルキンソン 炭酸水. Pasa Bocas / Otros: メグミルク 恵 ガセリ菌SP株ヨーグルト, はちみつ, 日東紅茶 しょうが紅茶. más...
Perdiendo 2,1 kg a la Semana

6 Seguidores    Apoyo   

Are you change your exercise? Why your weight goes up and down like me? I asking for my self (respected to your privacy) 
09 mar. 21 por el miembro: Farzana-
@AI@さん> I'm currently taking medicine to treat shingles. 『Herpes zoster』 A state in which the virus lurking in the nerve is actively active and damages the nerve. Therefore, it is not possible to do training that puts a strain on the nerves until it is completely cured. Body weight training and weight training also tire the nervous system. The best exercise I can do right now is "aerobic exercise" Since shingles was discovered early and treatment was started, the chances of residual sequelae are low. I'm really lucky because there are no side effects of the drug.✨ ▽<|b✨ 
09 mar. 21 por el miembro: ヤママユガ
Dear @ヤママユガ さん, if you not in mood just walking or jogging 👟 10000-20000 step daily👍🏼. Until your fully recovery take it easy but constantly. 
10 mar. 21 por el miembro: Farzana-
@AI@さん> I do basic plank training for a total of 5 minutes on my days off, with intervals. When I can afford it, I also watch a simple full-body exercise video on Youtube and exercise. I prefer exercising in the room to walking. I don't usually do whole body exercises, so I enjoy it with a fresh feeling. ▽°|b✨ Thank you✨ ▽<|ノシ 
10 mar. 21 por el miembro: ヤママユガ


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