Diario de Egull1, 19 dic. 23

Hopefully this entry goes through without a hitch. P.S. Thanks Katsolo for letting me know the site has been wonky. I'm entering this on the laptop so maybe I can avoid the wonkiness of the FS app.

This low was a surprise. I haven't been in the teens for a while. But, rest assured I am eating! And, sometimes to the tune of 2400 cals. But, NEAT exercise reigns supreme and caregiving is no joke. I start my tasks early and end late around 8:30.

This will be going on for quite a bit because my mother still has to have a shoulder replacement done after the hip and wrist fully heal from their fractures - and they are on the mend. She was very lucky when she took her spill. None of the breaks were "displaced" and 10 days in they were already starting to mend.

But, needless to say - it doesn't change my task list or the calorie burn attached to them. HA! My strength and cardio are going well. My heart rate is adjusting appropriately to the RPM's on the bike which will allow me to go faster and I will very soon be ready for 25 lb dumbbells on one of my upper body exercises so strength has definitely increased since 70.3 training.

With regard to the drop in weight - it just is what it is...Have a wonderful morning and a blessed Holiday everyone!
54,1 kg Disminuído hasta ahora: 41,2 kg.    Aún para ir: 0 kg.    Dieta seguida: Bien.

Ver Calendario de Dieta, 19 diciembre 2023:
2481 kcal Ejercicio: Apple Health - 24 horas. más...
Perdiendo 2,5 kg a la Semana

13 Seguidores    Apoyo   

We can see the post. 😀 
19 dic. 23 por el miembro: Katsolo


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