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12 porcion(es)
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20 mins
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Panes y Productos Horneados
Average FatSecret member ranking Valoración promedia en la comunidad FatSecret
por el miembro: Chynah

Flaxmeal Bread

Low carb bread made with flaxseed meal.



  1. Pre-heat oven to 350 °F (175 °C).
  2. In a 10x15" baking pan, line with parchment paper or oil.
  3. Mix dry ingredients well.
  4. Add wet ingredients to dry mix and combine well.
  5. Pour batter into pan and spread from center. Leave an inch or two from sides for thicker bread.
  6. Bake for 20 minutes until it springs back or its visibly brown.
  7. Cool and cut.
451 miembros han añadido esta receta a su libro de cocina.

Works very well for bread replacement.
user vote
02 ene. 16 por el miembro: shallid
OMIGOD I am so trying this tomorrow thank you!
user vote
04 feb. 15 por el miembro: JM-NZ-2015
Took a bit longer to bake than recipe said, left out the sweetener, but family loved it!!
user vote
29 jun. 14 por el miembro: BaTtLeCaT oN ToP
Love this bread
user vote
25 feb. 13 por el miembro: Hoosierloser
This recipe seems like it would work for Atkins, but I think induction phase only allows canola oil. Looking forward to trying it after I find out whether or not flaxseed oil is all right
user vote
30 sep. 12 por el miembro: shacancan
i added garlic, and Italian herbs, but it still needed more than the tablespoon of each. very filling--i use 1 slice and cut it in half to make a small sandwich. i did, however, find that coconut oil is wayyyy better than olive oil- on a lot of levels
user vote
20 ene. 12 por el miembro: gearhead
Was looking for a new replacement for some time now - really excellent!
user vote
08 ene. 12 por el miembro: dieDigge
Good bread replacement.. I made a grilled cheese sandwich with it. Not bad... texture reminds me of the MIM but it's a good substitute if you want something bready.
user vote
14 may. 11 por el miembro: thejamiep
Just made a loaf yesterday and have used the bread to make a panini sandwich and french toast! It has a nutty flavor, which I enjoy. Excellent bread, would like to make a bigger loaf, so will make double next time!
user vote
10 mar. 11 por el miembro: chinasnake


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Resumen Nutricional:

Hay 165 calorías en una porción de Flaxmeal Bread.
Desglose de Calorías: 72% grasa, 13% carbh, 15% prot.

Info. Nutricional
Tamaño de la Porción
por porción
por porción
689 kj
165 kcal
Grasa Saturada
Grasa Trans
Grasa Poliinsaturada
Grasa Monoinsaturada
de IDR*
(165 cal)
8% IDR
Desglose de Calorías:
Carbohidrato (13%)
Grasa (72%)
Proteína (15%)
*Basado en un IDR de 2000 calorías

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