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por el miembro: kris7884

Chicken with Mushroom Gravy

A deliciously yummy chicken with mushroom gravy.



  1. Sprinkle pepper and garlic powder liberally on both sides of chicken breasts.
  2. Spray cooking spray (like Pam) in non-stick deep dish frying pan and brown chicken breast about 5 minutes on each side.
  3. Move chicken breasts to the side and add onions and mushrooms and fry for about 2 minutes.
  4. Add chicken broth and let simmer until almost all liquid is gone, stirring occasionally and flipping chicken as necessary.
  5. The mushrooms and onions will turn into a yummy gravy.
599 miembros han añadido esta receta a su libro de cocina.

This loooks really good. I will definitely try it soon. I lo e saucy, saucy. For LCHF I will use Xanthum Gum to thicken. Yumm. Thanks.
user vote
23 jul. 18 por el miembro: JackieSpahr
Thanks for the recipe! This was delicious!
user vote
09 feb. 12 por el miembro: The Japanese Zombie
This was good even though I messed up the recipe. Thought I had chicken broth so instead I used chicken soup base. After reducing the liquid it was too salty so I added about a quarter cup of heavy cream. Made a nice rich gravy (still on salty side) Next time I'll make sure I have the chicken broth on hand.
user vote
27 ene. 12 por el miembro: pinenut57
3 pts
user vote
03 dic. 11 por el miembro: mama mel
very good! just like the others said, add a little flour to the gravy. i also suggest adding a little maggi. would be great with white rice or egg noodles.
user vote
02 may. 10 por el miembro: Lindzano
Pretty good. Really easy. Added hot cherry peppers to spice it up a bit.
user vote
24 ene. 10 por el miembro: dinosan
This was really good I only used one small onion 2 seems like alot. I added fresh broccoli to mine once i put the broth in. The broth didnt thicken and i didnt want the chicken to be rubbery so i added a dash of flour and it thickend up right away. Great as left overs too!
user vote
14 oct. 09 por el miembro: vntgred
Well this is done and really good. Ill cut back on some of the broth next time because i cooked the chicken to shreds waiting for the liquid turn to gravy
user vote
07 oct. 09 por el miembro: Mrs REJ


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Resumen Nutricional:

Hay 159 calorías en una porción de Chicken with Mushroom Gravy.
Desglose de Calorías: 10% grasa, 13% carbh, 77% prot.

Info. Nutricional
Tamaño de la Porción
por porción
por porción
665 kj
159 kcal
Grasa Saturada
Grasa Trans
Grasa Poliinsaturada
Grasa Monoinsaturada
de IDR*
(159 cal)
8% IDR
Desglose de Calorías:
Carbohidrato (13%)
Grasa (10%)
Proteína (77%)
*Basado en un IDR de 2000 calorías

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