Diario de JustBananas, 26 jul. 20

I look at myself in the bathroom mirror, and all I can think is, at what weight does the back fat leave???

21 Seguidores    Apoyo   

Very late was my experience. Keep it up 
26 jul. 20 por el miembro: liv001
That is one of my trouble spots! I feel ur pain! 
26 jul. 20 por el miembro: Diana 1234
Thanks everyone, for relating! I WISH that reaching & stretching would iron out the flab, but I suspect that I'm just going to have to continue to lose fat to get rid of them. Hopefully they will not be the last thing to go. 
26 jul. 20 por el miembro: JustBananas
Losing the weight from any of my body parts is a struggle :) Unfortunately, the body will lose it in time with determination, diligence, exercise and logging. Can't wish it away :) Good Luck with yours! 
26 jul. 20 por el miembro: kattay
that takes training, it's hard work 
27 jul. 20 por el miembro: elizabethknappert
I have the same question. I suspect I would need to have a very unhealthy BMI of about 15 before my back fat would go away! 
27 jul. 20 por el miembro: LiBa45
with hard work and consistency that mirror will become your friend. I have always had a double chin actually the last decade a triple chin or more. I look in the mirror now and I see one and a very small second chin. I live for the day when it is only one chin. I will kiss that mirror and do a happy dance. The mirror is a better indication of how well someone is doing. it is far better than the scale. Keep up the great work 
27 jul. 20 por el miembro: deborahkerr


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