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por el miembro: sararay

Chocolate Coffee Mousse

This low carb mousse resembles an Italian tiramisu dessert and is simply delightful.



  1. In a large bowl, whip the cream on high speed until almost forming peaks.
  2. Add all ingredients, except sour cream, one at a time, mixing on low speed. Add sour cream and mix in.
  3. Serve in small, individual, serving dishes.
  4. Garnish with chopped nuts or grated dark chocolate.
791 miembros han añadido esta receta a su libro de cocina.

This is the bomb! I've often made chocolate mousse (the completely unhealthy kind) for office parties and such. This recipe is far easier and delish. I didn't have any imitation brandy so I made it without it. It was still good! Gonna try it without coffee for my kiddo.
user vote
26 mar. 16 por el miembro: DivaTrue
great dessert with minimal work. tastes rich and creamy with a nice coffee taste. very satisfying, good for those on atkins
user vote
10 may. 15 por el miembro: slemo58
Probably too much fat in this for me, but sounds delicious
user vote
21 ago. 12 por el miembro: Grrrl50
Just a heads up to anyone who's never made mousse before, you have to refrigerate it for over 8 hours.
user vote
10 abr. 11 por el miembro: armysongbird
Made this the day I found it...not bad, not great. EXTREMELY easy to make, and moderately tasty...perhaps it's an acquired taste....
user vote
07 jun. 10 por el miembro: Miss Cassie
Hi, how many grams/tsps (weight not carbs) are there in a sachet of sachet. We only get it in big tubs over here. Many thanks
user vote
04 abr. 10 por el miembro: HunnyBunny43
I'm going to try this - even though dairy products are on the "try to avoid" list of the Rosedale diet. Sounds like it's worth a "minor cheat".
user vote
07 feb. 10 por el miembro: Melakar
great sweet treat!
user vote
14 may. 08 por el miembro: rdoqwn
This looks amazing! I'' try this ASAP.
user vote
12 mar. 08 por el miembro: Atriel
This is the only one of three new recipes I have read that were recommended for Atkins that fits the bill. No starches. Tastes good, too!
user vote
11 feb. 08 por el miembro: tzipy
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Resumen Nutricional:

Hay 166 calorías en una porción de Chocolate Coffee Mousse.
Desglose de Calorías: 89% grasa, 8% carbh, 4% prot.

Info. Nutricional
Tamaño de la Porción
por porción
por porción
693 kj
166 kcal
Grasa Saturada
Grasa Poliinsaturada
Grasa Monoinsaturada
de IDR*
(166 cal)
8% IDR
Desglose de Calorías:
Carbohidrato (7%)
Grasa (89%)
Proteína (4%)
*Basado en un IDR de 2000 calorías

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