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por el miembro: Jenny-Any-Dots

Vegan Chocolate Cake

A yummy and very easy vegan cake.



  1. Pre-heat oven to 350 °F (175 °C). Spray a bundt pan with cooking spray (like Pam) and then wipe out the excess.
  2. Combine all the dry ingredients into a bowl. Mix well with a fork.
  3. Make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients and then add all the wet ingredients to the well.
  4. Mix together with fork until well blended. Pour into bundt pan and bake for 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean.
  5. Let cool completely.
  6. Dust with powdered sugar when completely cool.
446 miembros han añadido esta receta a su libro de cocina.

My mother also used to make this cake over 50 years ago when in was known as a wacky crazy cake. You actually mixed it up in the pan you were baking in as well. :)
user vote
18 abr. 21 por el miembro: Italian Blue
ok I am a guy and finding things can be difficult for me. What is the calorie count?
user vote
19 ene. 17 por el miembro: Jay Hatch
Thank you for the recipe for myself (using splenda) and for my son who is allergic to eggs and peanuts!!!
user vote
23 abr. 13 por el miembro: infaith
This is a great recipe! My mom made this for us kids over 50 years and then it was called "wacky cake"! I guess "vegan" makes it modern but I prefer wacky!!
user vote
02 jun. 12 por el miembro: brendamine
I make a similar cake like this. It is Mix in the Pan Cake. This one looks good to. I'll have to try it.
user vote
05 nov. 11 por el miembro: Sandj
8 pts plus
user vote
02 feb. 11 por el miembro: lilmomma502
Who said cake had to be a bad food. This was yummy and fit well with my diet.
user vote
01 dic. 10 por el miembro: Petite-Pixie
no..not with the flour and sugar
user vote
07 ago. 10 por el miembro: Sheilah
I cut the recipe in half because I wasn't quite sure if I would like it, and my boyfriend shutters when he hears the word vegan. I used a bread load pan and it only filled about a third of it - but I thought it was excellent. He didn't hate it either.
user vote
30 nov. 09 por el miembro: sassyseattle
I used splenda which lowered the calorie count to about 162 a piece. I think my pan was too big though, the batter barely covered the bottom and the cake didnt even rise halfway up the pan. Specific sizing would've helped. The taste isn't bad but I wish it would've turned out better, maybe I'll try it again.
user vote
20 sep. 09 por el miembro: snowwhyte
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Resumen Nutricional:

Hay 244 calorías en una porción de Vegan Chocolate Cake.
Desglose de Calorías: 34% grasa, 61% carbh, 5% prot.

Info. Nutricional
Tamaño de la Porción
por porción
por porción
1021 kj
244 kcal
Grasa Saturada
Grasa Trans
Grasa Poliinsaturada
Grasa Monoinsaturada
de IDR*
(244 cal)
12% IDR
Desglose de Calorías:
Carbohidrato (61%)
Grasa (34%)
Proteína (5%)
*Basado en un IDR de 2000 calorías

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