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3 porcion(es)
Tiempo de Preparación:
10 mins
Tiempo de Cocción:
20 mins
Comida tipo:
Pasa Bocas
Average FatSecret member ranking Valoración promedia en la comunidad FatSecret
por el miembro: JCVela

Tuna Bites

Delicious small tuna cakes packed with flavor and good nutrients, that are very low carb.



  1. Sauté the onion in the olive oil with a little bit of the spices and garlic salt, place aside when transparent or soft.
  2. Shred the cheese.
  3. In a bowl place all ingredients (including sautéed onions) with the remainder of the garlic salt and spices. Mix together until all is mixed properly.
  4. With a tablespoon, place the mixture in 12 even parts on an oven cooking pan previously sprayed with non-stick spray.
  5. Cook for 10 minutes, flip the cakes so they can cook evenly, and cook for another 10 minutes or until a little brown.
1439 miembros han añadido esta receta a su libro de cocina.

Easy to prepare and tasty love this recipe.
user vote
29 dic. 11 por el miembro: JulyaFlint2011
omg delicious......I only used one can of low sodium tuna and i threw in some no salt roasted garlic spice and some no salt spicy spice and threw them in the oven at 350 for 10 min each side...served with a side of brussel sprouts...mmmmm Thanx!
user vote
19 abr. 11 por el miembro: Abursey
One of my fave recipes, great source of protein!
user vote
16 mar. 11 por el miembro: Kate GB
omg should be delicious! Making them tmrw!
user vote
21 feb. 11 por el miembro: Marishka
these were great, we loved them. will make again and again
user vote
10 ene. 11 por el miembro: kkas
I must have missed something but I didn't see a tempature to cook this on so I put it in the oven @400 for about 15min.
user vote
08 ene. 11 por el miembro: 55 Chevy
good, i made a low carb butter garlic sauce since on the dry side
user vote
30 nov. 10 por el miembro: DivaDonna
Really good! A lot like a crab cake. Dont use tin foil! I didnt have gouda so I used some mozzarella and parm. Ate it with a side of broccoli It was yummy, just a little dry. Next time I'll work on a sauce.
user vote
15 jun. 10 por el miembro: ambahz
This recipe incorporates a wide variety of foods, and is ideal for the Ancient European diet
user vote
26 may. 10 por el miembro: Runesinger
One serving would be six points! Not too bad if you have it for your main meal with a nice salad. Sounds good.
user vote
21 may. 10 por el miembro: cagpenny
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Resumen Nutricional:

Hay 257 calorías en una porción de Tuna Bites.
Desglose de Calorías: 38% grasa, 4% carbh, 57% prot.

Info. Nutricional
Tamaño de la Porción
por porción
por porción
1077 kj
257 kcal
Grasa Saturada
Grasa Trans
Grasa Poliinsaturada
Grasa Monoinsaturada
de IDR*
(257 cal)
13% IDR
Desglose de Calorías:
Carbohidrato (5%)
Grasa (38%)
Proteína (57%)
*Basado en un IDR de 2000 calorías

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